This code is for a servlet container to display the data collected from an Oregon Scientific weather station (e.g. the WMR180 and WMR928N), a Pro-Signal weather station (e.g. the PSG04173), or a Fine Offset weather station clone using the WxLog/WxLogger/WxServer and WxVet programs. The name WxChart derives from the common abbreviation 'WX' for "weather conditions".
WxChart displays archived weather data. It was developed by Dauren Sakenov under the supervision of Ken Turner. You can see what the program does by visiting the Stirling Weather History web page. As a convenience, code is included from the JQuery library for JavaScript, and the JFreeChart package for graph display.
The location of the base weather data files is required. This needs the getRoot method to be modified in genchart.jsp and index.jsp.
WxChart should be installed into the Tomcat webapps directory (or equivalent on other containers). Then visit the application URL, e.g. http://localhost:8080/wxchart. This should result in a page that allows weather parameters to be selected and graphed.
This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You may re-distribute this software provided you preserve this README file.
Version 1.0: Ken Turner, 1st September 2011
Version 1.1: Ken Turner, 5th September 2011
Version 1.4: Ken Turner, 15th May 2016
Version 2.0: Ken Turner, 13th February 2017
Version 3.0: Ken Turner, 13th May 2021