This page describes the format of protocol messages used with the Oregon Scientific WMR928 Professional Weather Station (now discontinued).
Simon Allen has investigated a radio interface for Oregon Scientific wireless thermometers. This resembles but is not the same as what is described here for the RS 232 interface. Unfortunately this information no longer seems to be available on the Web (though the author has a local copy).
Mario Puppo developed a web interface for live weather data in San Remo using the information here as a basis.
Start Start Code Channel Data Checksum
00 B0 D2D3 S3D1 S1S2 A2A3 WSA1 W1W2 C1C2
Battery B, Wind Direction D1D2D3, Wind Speed S1S2S3, Wind Speed Average A1A2A3, Wind Chill W1W2 (WS gives sign), Checksum C1C2
01 B0 R1R2 ?? T3T4 T1T2 Y3Y4 Y1Y2 M1M2 H1H2 D1D2 M1M2 Y1Y2 C1C2
Battery B, Rainfall Rate R1R2, Rainfall Total T1T2T3T4, Rainfall Yesterday Y1Y2Y3Y4, Rainfall Totalling Start (Minute M1M2, Hour H1H2, Day D1D2, Month M1M2, Year Y1Y2), Checksum C1C2; the unknown byte has values such as 0x80 or 0x90
03 B0 T2T3 TST1 H1H2 D1D2 C1C2
(main sensor)
02 BC T2T3 TST1 H1H2 D1D2 C1C2
(sensors 1 to 3)
Battery B, Channel C (0 = main sensor, 1 = channel 1, 2 = channel 2, 4 = channel 3), Temperature T1T2T3 (TS gives sign), Relative Humidity H1H2, Dewpoint D1D2, Checksum C1C2
06 B0 T3T4 T1T2 H1H2 D1D2 P1P2 F1F2 ?? S3S4 S1S2 C1C2
Battery B, Temperature T1T2T3T4, Relative Humidity H1H2, Dewpoint D1D2, Ambient Pressure P1P2, Forecast F1F2 (F2 unknown with values like 1, 5, 9), Sea-Level Offset S1S2S3S4, Checksum C1C2; the unknown byte seems to be fixed at 00
0E M1M2 C1C2
Minutes M1M2, Checksum C1C2
0F 00 H1H2 D1D2 M1M2 Y1Y2 C1C2
Hour H1H2, Day D1D2, Month M1M2, Year Y1Y2, Checksum C1C2